He was only thinking of my health, of course.

When my throat started feeling a bit sore almost two weeks ago I ignored it, figuring it would either go away quickly or turn into a cold. After more than a week with no improvement I became concerned that I was spreading strep to everyone I met, so I made an appointment to see my doctor. The quick strep test she performed in the office was negative, but since the test was not foolproof and my symptoms were consistent with strep, she gave me a prescription for antibiotics just to be sure-- and damned if those antibiotics aren't the biggest pills I've ever swallowed in my life. It seems like some kind of mean joke, giving horse pills to a person complaining of a sore throat.

My sweetheart darling dear husband, he of the neverending dick jokes, responded to my lament with, "They'll fit, ask me how I know."

Then, later: "If you need me to I can push them down for you."

Earlier in the week, when I mentioned my sore throat, he offered to "swab it out" for me, and when I laughed and told him I would not be giving any blowjobs while my throat hurt, he accused me of being too good to accept his gesture of kindness.

"I'm just trying to do something nice for you!"

Posted byMJ at 3:34 PM  


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